RSVP List (max = 12)
Member’s Circle
Non-members but not new to SaTi
New people
6:15-6:45 (30m in advance) Volunteers Setup
6:45-6:55pm Arrive & Welcome
7:00 Caleb ring bell to Begin the evening
Short Welcome (end by 7:05)
25min Caleb - Topic intro & Silent Meditation (end by 7:33pm)
12m Caleb Wisdom Reading (end by 7:48)
So as mentioned today we’ll continue with topic of joy
We started last week to read from “The Book of Joy” by His Holiness the Dalai Lama,former Archbishop of South Africa, Desmond Tutu and Douglas Abrams
And we’ll continue to read from them today
In the book they describe what capacities we can develop to cultivate joy, and they call them the eight pillars of joy -
we looked at the first two last week - perspective & humility and today we’ll look at the next two, humor and acceptance
So let’s read
reading tips:
5m Anna group stretch / bathroom break (end by 07:53)
Go around in a circle - each person choose a stretch or move, everyone else follows.
If not comfortable for your body - you can do a variation, something else, or nothing!
If you want to pass, that’s ok too!